25 Apr | Thu | 21.00
Every Thursday evening at 21.00 a new artwork from various disiplines is exhibited. This week: Wissel 1177: Peter Goes presents Veronique Efomi.
26 Apr | Fri | 19.00
'Identity Flux' curated by Nadine van den Bosch. Artists: Salim Bayri, BSDWCORP., Juno Calypso, Elise Ehry & Kitty Maria van Ekeren, Valentina Gal and Līga Spunde.
26 Apr | Fri | 18.00-23.00
MOVING OUT PARTY: MULTI-AVOND. Saying goodbye to a place that has been TENT's home for 25 years is no mean feat. Join for the very last dazzling, compelling, shimmering, tumultuous farewell programme—a MULTI-AVOND filled with hushed music, diverse performances and installations, rousing DJ sets and refreshing drinks.
27/28Apr | Sat/Sun | 13.00-17.00
Final weekend: 'BIC QUEER SPACE SLUT MOTION' is an inspiring exhibition that takes you down to earth and over the clouds into 'space' through the world of Niki Murphy, Bas van der Kruk, Evelien de Jong, Celine Schroeder and Jonas Callebert. Programme: Saturday King's Day 27 April, 15.00 an old-fashioned radio play 'No Future' performance by Mees and Evelien de Jong. 15.30 'Eating shadows' performance by Jonas Callebert and Elias Driesen. Sunday, 28 April: Finissage, 15.00 'Can you handle it' performance by Bas van der Kruk, 15.30 Artist talk The artists talk about their work.
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